Personality Types

The TypesTypes.html
The TheoryTheory.html

E: Extraverting

  1. Initiate Interactions and Energized by Being With Others

N: iNtuiting

  1. Perceive Abstract Patterns, Concepts, and Potential Possibilities

T: Thinking

  1. Organize and Decide Based on Objective, Impersonal Criteria

J: Judging

  1. Plan Ahead With Drive to Completion and Closure



Being a Leader

Maximize Talents

Marshal Resources toward Progress

Intuitive Explorations

Forging Partnerships


Mentoring and Empowering

Talent for Coordinating Multiple Projects

Balance Peace and Conflict

Predictive Creativity

Often Overwhelmed By Managing All the Details of Time and Resources

I: Introverting

  1. Focus on Inner Life and Energized By Solitary Activities

N: iNtuiting

  1. Perceive Abstract Patterns, Concepts, and Potential Possibilities

T: Thinking

  1. Organize and Decide Based on Objective, Impersonal Criteria

J: Judging

  1. Plan Ahead With Drive to Completion and Closure

Conceptualizer Director

Maximizing Achievements

Drive for Self-Mastery

Build a Vision

Very Long-Range Strategizing

Realizing Progress toward Goals


Systems Thinking

Talent for Seeing the Reasons behind Things

Being on the Leading Edge

Maintaining Independence

Find it Difficult to Let Go in Interacting with Others

E: Extraverting

  1. Initiate Interactions and Energized by Being With Others

N: iNtuiting

  1. Perceive Abstract Patterns, Concepts, and Potential Possibilities

T: Thinking

  1. Organize and Decide Based on Objective, Impersonal Criteria

P: Perceiving

  1. Stay Open and Engaged With a Drive For More Input



Being Inventive

Talented at Building Prototypes and Getting Projects Launched

Lifelong Learning

Enjoy the Creative Process

Share Their Insights about Life’s Possibilities


Strategically Formulate Success

An Inviting Host

Like the Drama of the Give and Take

Trying to Be Diplomatic

Surprised When Their Strategizing of Relationships Becomes Problematic

I: Introverting

  1. Focus on Inner Life and Energized By Solitary Activities

N: iNtuiting

  1. Perceive Abstract Patterns, Concepts, and Potential Possibilities

T: Thinking

  1. Organize and Decide Based on Objective, Impersonal Criteria

P: Perceiving

  1. Stay Open and Engaged With a Drive For More Input



Becoming an Expert

Seeing New Patterns and Elegant Connections

Talent for Design and Redesign

Crossing the Artificial Boundaries of Thought

Activate the Imagination


Clarifying and Defining

Making Discoveries

Reflect on the Process of Thinking Itself

Detach to Analyze

Struggle with Attending to the Physical World